Since Mona (my coon hound mix) and I completed beginning and intermediate agility classes on Sunday mornings at the Peninsula Humane Society, I felt it was time to up the ante a little. Rachel, our teacher, was no longer going to make the hour drive from her home up to Burlingame. She was, however, going to teach a more advanced class down in San Martin (about an hour's drive for me). The class was going to be on Sunday mornings (again). I have no conflicts during that time except for singing in a friend's church choir. But because I cannot make very many of the rehearsals since they are on Thursday evenings, my choice between God and Dog is easy: Dog wins out.
When Rachel said this would be a more advanced class, she really wasn't kidding. Held in a competition size field, it has all the equipment set up. Rachel makes different courses by placing yellow plastic numbers by each element (hurdle, A-frame, tunnel, etc.) and the people run their dogs--RUN being the operative word. The other folks in the class have dogs who are way more advanced. The dogs are able to whisk through the weave poles like lightening and go to each jump with a point of the finger or verbal command. It's really inspiring and at the same time, frustrating. Mona, who is 11 years old, is still learning a few of the elements, i.e. the weave poles. I ordered some poles of my own, and now have them set up in our living room for easy access. It looks silly, but allows us to practice when ever the mood hits. As far as the teeter-totter goes, we will just have to learn it during class time. Because of Mona's advanced age (though she is still very agile, leaping over the fence at the local dog park to chase rabbits) she jumps hurdles that are only 16 inches high. The other dogs her size jump 22 inches, some with room to spare. One mini-Australian shepherd soars over the jumps, obviously really enjoying it. Mona is doing very well, especially when I know the drill. And isn't that the way most things go? For examples of dog agility, simply go to You Tube and type in Dog Agility.
News Flash: This just in. Rachel and her dog Kubby got 3rd place at the national competition in Tennessee they attended last week. Congratulations!
When Rachel said this would be a more advanced class, she really wasn't kidding. Held in a competition size field, it has all the equipment set up. Rachel makes different courses by placing yellow plastic numbers by each element (hurdle, A-frame, tunnel, etc.) and the people run their dogs--RUN being the operative word. The other folks in the class have dogs who are way more advanced. The dogs are able to whisk through the weave poles like lightening and go to each jump with a point of the finger or verbal command. It's really inspiring and at the same time, frustrating. Mona, who is 11 years old, is still learning a few of the elements, i.e. the weave poles. I ordered some poles of my own, and now have them set up in our living room for easy access. It looks silly, but allows us to practice when ever the mood hits. As far as the teeter-totter goes, we will just have to learn it during class time. Because of Mona's advanced age (though she is still very agile, leaping over the fence at the local dog park to chase rabbits) she jumps hurdles that are only 16 inches high. The other dogs her size jump 22 inches, some with room to spare. One mini-Australian shepherd soars over the jumps, obviously really enjoying it. Mona is doing very well, especially when I know the drill. And isn't that the way most things go? For examples of dog agility, simply go to You Tube and type in Dog Agility.
News Flash: This just in. Rachel and her dog Kubby got 3rd place at the national competition in Tennessee they attended last week. Congratulations!
Lee -- you and Mona have come so far in such a short time! I am so happy to have you training down in Morgan Hill :) Keep up the great work and enjoy every minute with miss Mona :) She is such a cool ol' girl!
Super Coolio!