Nothing says Happy Holidays like a trip to the California DMV. Today we made such a trek, my 15-and-a-half year old daughter, Fiona, and I. She had an appointment to take her Learners' Permit Test today at 10:20 AM. Good thing she had that appointment, or we would still be there. As it was, we didn't get called to Window 13 until close to 10:45. There, a man who appeared to shave his eyebrows explained the procedure, stamped, stamped, stamped our forms, and gave Fiona her vision test. She passed that with flying colors, I paid $31 and it was off to the Test and Photo Window. She had her picture taken there, took her written test in isolation while I waited with the huddled masses, and then stood in the Test Correction Line. She was a bit apprehensive, but only got 3 wrong (you can miss 8 and still pass!) The lady at the Correction Window congratulated her, explained that she had to have 2 hours of professional drivers' training before she could drive with her Dad or me, and sent us on our way. All of this took a little more than an hour.
One thing that always strikes me at places like the DMV, for instance the NYC Subway, is the similar aroma that emanates from them. Is it that people don't care what they look or smell like when going to these places? I do not notice the same scent at, say, Symphony concerts, where people may shower and shave before heading out the door. Is it that people stop by the DMV before or after work, and are kind of smelly from their labor? Who the heck knows? But at any rate, the smell mixed nicely with the festive decorations that the employees had taken great care to put up all around. Each window had a wreath and there were several nutcrackers bedecking filing cabinets. There was even a Peanuts Winter Scene on one of the walls. On one of the windows hung a huge Santa's sleigh and eight giant reindeer. Winding garlands of tinsel completed the look, putting us in such a joyous mood that we went for a late brunch at Neil's, a local coffee shop. There, a different odor wafted from the doors: that of hash browns and toast. As we got in the car and drove out of sight, I had to say "Congratulations, Fiona! And to all a Good Night!"
congratulations to Fiona! And to you for braving the DMV!