As we are all aware, music in the public schools is suffering major cut-backs. I feel very strongly that children can benefit in countless ways from studying music and playing in ensembles. It develops the brain in ways that nothing else can. Playing in a band, orchestra, or smaller group is not only fun and exciting, but also provides valuable lessons in social etiquette and team work, respect for the conductor and one's colleagues, and a real appreciation for music. Of The Five, our high school folk music group, Kathie and one of the Sues became music teachers in public schools. The other Sue went on to be a chemist at Eastman Kodak, and plays piano at a local restaurant on the weekends. And I know that a large number of my fellow SF Symphony musicians started music in public school. Of course, not everyone will go on to play professionally, but learning an instrument is a gift that will last a lifetime.
My sister Amy started cello in school and now plays a bit professionally on the side. She also teaches piano, violin, and cello privately. She is a public school music teacher in Pasadena, California. You might want to check out her blog:
It's funny and enlightening. And, shows first hand the power of music with children.
My sister Amy started cello in school and now plays a bit professionally on the side. She also teaches piano, violin, and cello privately. She is a public school music teacher in Pasadena, California. You might want to check out her blog:
It's funny and enlightening. And, shows first hand the power of music with children.
thanks for the plug!